Saturday, October 04, 2008

my 21st birthday

4th October 2008 (Saturday)

My 21st came and went a month ago. All these should have been up a month ago, but i was too lazy when i had the time, spending as much time as i could with theBoy, and uni work was just overwhelming.

Anyway, just a quick run through on my 21st birthday yea? ;)

Of Family:
TheFamily decided to surprise me with a white chocolate cake from Secret Recipe a day before my birthday, which was on the 25th of August. Oh wait, did i mention that i had a test on the day of my birthday, therefore, instead of having a huge celebration (which was what i wanted initially), i was busy studying for the test -_-. damn you test.

2 cakes on the 25th. White chocolate cake from theFamily and a chocolate cake made by my aunt. awesome. keep the cakes coming aye? ;)

Of theBoy:
Clock struck 12 on the 25th of August. and obviously, 0000 hour on the 26th of August. theBoy was already outside my house, being the first to wish me happy birthday. awwww... *love love*

Giant cupcakes! like really big and filled with chocolate chips. Baked by theBoy *super big grin* :D

yes, there's a story behind those cupcakes. and no, im not gonna reveal it here. :p

and daisies! *beams*
geez, i feel so shameless putting up this pic. me with flowers. =/

theBoy :))

thannnkkkyoouuuuuuuu boyyffiiieeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! *hearts*
ps: for the 'fresh off the oven' look of me on my birthday and the cupcakes. *click here!*

Of Friends:

Rules were broken, theBestFriend and theBoy decided to give me a surprise.

The place?

The girls who made life a lot more interesting :)
and they need no introduction

the boys and girls

theBoy and theGirl

Those who were there for this small and supposedly surprise birthday gathering.
Tim, YuanHao, JiaWei, Bryan, Sam, JoLyn, (top) LiShan and May Yee.

Thanks everyone! :D
thanks to LiShan and MayYee who told me they went crazy rushing to the place, afraid they might bump in to me. and for trying hard to light the candles when i arrived.haha.

and how can i forget theBestie and theBoy for going through the trouble, trying to keep this from me. HAHA. :p

heart all of you to bits.

had a birthday dinner with theBoy on the actual day, but, no pictures were taken, sadly.. :(

so, that pretty much completes my 21st birthday.

time to study study!

1 comment:

  1. haha. i duno why i nearly cried while i read this post. Happy belated birthday girl , wish u all the best =)
