Wednesday, March 28, 2007

2nd degree murder.

and so, the day started out fine. until........ me and my partner, Vimal, decided to test on our egg project. we were suppose to drop an egg from the 5th floor without breaking it. we were prepared for our first run. he went up, and i was down, keeping track of the time taken for the egg to fall.

the place was clear from passerby. the egg was dropped and time was taken.

sadly, our experiment failed. that's bad news. but, the worst, just a second before the egg hit the ground, a lady just had to walk by and the egg fell right beside her. of course, she was unhurt, but, it shocked her. she left and came back after a few seconds. boy, she was mad.

lady : what are you guys doing?

me : errr...we are you doing an experiment. dropping an egg.

lady : are you from engineering? do you know that's very dangerous?

me : im so so sorry.

lady : you can kill someone you know!

me : im so sorry, we checked before we dropped the egg and we didnt see anyone. im so sorry.

lady : you should get the guards to close the area! who's your lecturer? what's your name?

me : erm, my lecturer is DrLan...*thinks if i should give my name*

lady : ok. i'll talk to him.

** lady storms off**

me : *stunned* shittt......

of course, we went and inform our lecturer on the incident. and he wasnt in his room!!! waiting for him, goodness, the time can really kill man! finally, he came back. first thing he said when we told him something happened was " did you guys kill someone? "

* blink blink* * me and Vimal stared at each other *

" no, maybe just attempt for murder "

after all the talking, we're fine. at least we still get to do the experiment and not get ZERO!!! phew....

and guess what? i got another parking ticket. yeah, like the 2nd one in a month. and coincidently, by the same person!!!!! terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!! things really cant get enough worst huh?

this time around, i got to meet the MPSJ lady in person. she happily handed me the parking ticket and i was blamed for not stopping her when i came. damn!!!

so, instead of heading home after getting the parking ticket, i merrily went shopping around Taipan. since i kena saman ady, i should make use of it. park illegally and don't have to pay for parking. just put the parking ticket on the windscreen.

somehow, being charged for 2nd degree murder felt worst than getting a parking ticket for the 2nd time...

what a nice way to spend my wednesday.... =(

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